AllgemeinesThree successive bribery of any village officials

30.10.2013, 21:06 - ndsjeh2x66 - Anfänger - 2 Posts

This 19 homestead about 13 acres, has Xuemou Fei, Zheng Moubing all been sold, sales amounted to 3,306,600 yuan, the two made a profit 1,536,600 yuan.
Village committee and village meetings without the consent of Congress, Xuemou Ping, Xue Mouren agree to transfer the shares to Hemou towards others.
At present, the suspect Xuemou Ren,barbour outlet, Hemou North Korea, Xuemou incense, Xue Moushun,,hollister, Zhengmou Bing, Xuemou Song, who has been legally prosecuted.
sale of land, the village committee building construction and other work problems of corruption,, leading to a serious loss of village property.
April and May 2005, Zheng Moubing about Xue Mouren to Long Town bus station next to the tea shop tea, again gave Xue Mouren 10,doudoune moncler,000 yuan, hard case and a box of Chinese smoke two Tie Guan Yin tea.
series of 7 cases, involving more than 400 million yuan, 100 million yuan has been the recovery of losses.
Signed the agreement that when he was on the Xue Xue Moushun village party branch secretary, village director Xuemou incense.
February 4, 2012, Zheng Moubing suspicion of illegal transfer of land use rights reselling crime was Fuqing City Public Security Bureau seized.
Hemou towards dinner Xuemou incense,, Xue Moushun to Fuzhou,peuterey,, a restaurant dinner, after dinner forged agreement was signed.
Tampering with the contract so that "contracting Lord" in the last eight years to benefit more Xue village, there is an area of ??2000 acres of sea reclamation.
January 20,peuterey, 1992, on Xue Village Committee and the suspect Hemou towards any legal representative Fujian Nanping sword Hong Kong company signed a joint venture agreement around the sea reclamation area,barbour sale, the two sides agreed on a joint venture for the reclamation Xue village beaches.
Xuemou Ping, Xue Mouren Hemou each received a commission towards the 10,000 yuan, after the signing of a supplementary agreement.
Later, Hemou invested twenty thousand yuan toward Please Xuemou incense, Xue Moushun travel to Beijing.
In order to get when he was the village party branch secretary Xue Mouren care, Zheng Moubing during the Spring Festival in 2005 gave Xue Mouren 10,000 yuan.
The case is different with the previous land corruption cases is that the subject was actually involved in the most grass-roots village cadres, which also happens to be described, the relevant system areas of land urgent sound.
August 30, 2002, Hemou toward Sit with buyers sign "Share Transfer Agreement" will be entitled to 40% of its shares to 2.33 million yuan revenue share price of the transfer.
's greed, resulting in the village has three village officials before any "rot" successor, a serious loss of property.
In June when the suspect Xuemou Ren suspects Xuemou reached through contact Fuzhou,, a company, as the project bidding agency.
On the same day, including the village, including a tripartite Xue entered into a transfer agreement.
After appearing in court, Zheng Moubing truthfully confessed the facts of the crime, and actively ill-gotten gains 100,000 yuan.
In late August,peuterey outlet,, Xuemou up to participate in the bidding Xuemou Ren expressed the hope that Xuemou Ren can help them mark.
October 2001, Hemou forged towards the "Agreement" requires the village when he was party secretary Xue Mouping (at large, handled separately), the village director Xue Mouren signed the "Supplemental Agreement", clearly enjoying the sword into revenue Port Company
Xue Mouren bribes, will be the third installment 9 homestead grant a Zhengmou Bing.
According to estimates, the sword Port Company proceeds time to enjoy this extended eight years.
Bribery twenty thousand Help resale collective land 2002 to 2005,doudoune moncler, the suspect Xuemou Fei, Zheng Moubing 3 times up Xue village paid 1.37 million yuan of land transfer payments, based on Xue village land premiums they pay case
? Click the recent case of Italy, the land areas of high incidence of job-related crimes become one.
Participate in the bidding village building into abuse of power games in 2007, ready to rebuild the village committee on Xue village complex.
After closure, reclamation Sword Hong Kong company can enjoy 40% of revenues for a period after the completion of the seawall closure 18 years (time of the "agreement" was handwritten).
up to 10,000 yuan, respectively, gave Xuemou Ren.
The building has become a lawless village cadres, the abuse of power games.
, the corresponding area of ??land of 19 to them to use.
period to 2020.
Fuqing City Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Brigade recently cracked a major economic crimes, the city Lung town Xue Ren village three village cadres (a total of three party secretary, a village director) bribery and associates around the sea reclamation contract,
April 20, the suspect's family members take the initiative to refund Xuemou Ren Xue Mouren bribes received 70,mulberry outlet,000 yuan.
September 1994, due to the project uncertainty, Hemou towards forged a print of the "agreement", tampering with the original "agreement" in the provisions of the sword Port Company's reclamation area to enjoy revenue sharing period,, the original "seawall
After investigation, Fuqing City Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Team has cracked a Hemou towards others suspected contract fraud, Zheng Moubing illegal transfer of land use rights reselling case Xuemou Ren, Hemou towards other non-national staff of bribery, bribery case
But the sea reclamation area of ??contracting, the village village has always been a mystery.
Among them,moncler, in November 2007,woolrich outlet, Xuemou of the project after winning the bid to Xuemou Ren family gave its twenty thousand yuan; October 2008 Xuemou Ren gastrectomy hospital stay, faster than the Spring Festival in 2009,,hogan, Xuemou
Are construction, Xuemou gave up a total of three times successively Xue Mouren 40,000 yuan.
closure completed within 18 years "to" the two sides also completed seawall closure costs 18 years. "
30.10.2013, 21:22 - rbchua5997 - Noob - 14 Posts

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