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29.10.2013, 13:53 - f4t5442tp - Anfänger - 7 Posts

To this end, the Group has established strict accordance with the modern enterprise system covering the assets, personnel and other eight major areas of more than 90 modern enterprise system, and establish a mechanism for the socialization of people who use large projects and brand-oriented operation mechanism.
I remember the big scene Poetry and Song and Dance "Tiananmen Square" in a scene with a few thousand ordinary photographs taken in front of Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square to form a silhouette, this design gives the left a very deep impression.
On 21 May, Li Biao Percussion century farm workers' children into Beijing Vocational School; May 25,cinture gucci donna, Frankfurt, Hesse Broadcasting big jazz band performing in News Plaza Hotel ...... In addition to the community, schools, barracks and other people around the literary and artistic works
At a time when Beijing Performing Arts Group, is undergoing a cultural reform process, from culture "flagship" of the culture "aircraft carrier" of evolution.
Three artists in this combination first walked into the audience perspective in the October 21,the service department staff , 2011, the night of the Great Hall, the audience waves, three tenors an appearance, with regard to impeccable singing,
Representative hot boutique creative aspect in creating quality work as a journalist, I and my colleagues deeply felt Beijing's efforts to try and innovation.
Kang Wei believes that to function, "China's three high", a large dance scene sound poetry and the "Tiananmen" This high-end cultural projects, all rely on the fruits of reform.
This year, the art of the brand also flew Hong Kong, Macau, and is about to fly to London, Berlin and Cologne,spaccio gucci, performances reached more than 20 games at home and abroad, a firm foothold in the market.
Cultural workers in the publishing industry to increase the spirit of Beijing's propaganda, now, a large scene Poetry and Song and Dance "Tiananmen" and some related books are an attempt.
Beijing since last year has been mentioned technological culture "wheel drive."
Combination of the "three high", another song in the tone and temperament integration, complementary,gucci firenze negozio, and ultimately to achieve 1 +1 +1 = 3, the overall combination of heat than every one individual.
Market-oriented drama, especially comedy started the "twist" brand, the first-ever major government departments should be marked Novels.
Today, cultural awareness has changed.
In recent years, Beijing's artistic brand, quality work and far more than a "Chinese three high"
In 2011, the Group realized main business income of 274 million yuan, net profit of 27.56 million yuan; assets totaled nearly 12 billion yuan, nearly doubled when the formation Fan; three troupes in miscellaneous restructuring, North songs,he first drove to the company, puppets to achieve full
,borsa gucci bauletto, residents of the capital cost has become a major theater arts accepts the influence of the place.
Relying boutique sail Beijing speech group, naturally rewarding.
Beijing's cultural and creative industrial added value growth year after year, in the country in a leading position in this regard also to maintain leading edge nature; culture is the spiritual value system.
Across the five judges eyes showing praise, let Hongtao heart with the end: we succeeded!
Earlier, Dai Yuqiang,gucci genova, Warren Mok Wei Song their very famous in the industry, but also occasional opportunities to perform together, but the absence of branding and influence worse a big cut.
Private Team Challenge major theme creation, but Beijing art market boom of a microcosm.
Poetry and Song and Dance of large scenes "Tiananmen" use "phantom imaging" the world's most advanced video and other multimedia technology, "Tiananmen Square" as a clue, vivid reproduction of Beijing 3000 years of rich cultural heritage fresh, strong carry forward the "patriotic, innovation,
- Beijing Television TV programs Xu Tao, director of cultural development and prosperity for the development of traditional arts created a rare historical opportunity, as an ordinary drama worker, I feel artists ushered in a bright spring.
Among them, large projects operating platform to become the cradle of quality work.
lengthy masterpiece in small arena,gucci marchio.
Of course, the hard power, only to illustrate our children have healthy thick, management level, in order to enhance its soft power.
With Virgin Group played a number of units and large projects supported platforms operate in a "Tiananmen Square" in order in just four months to complete rehearsals, performances and coordinate many domestic institutions and organizations united more than 600 performers and staff participation.
To seize the opportunity to cherish the opportunity to create something more to reflect the "original, contemporary, Beijing's" quality work.
"Taking into account to build the brand, the need is real commercial operation, must rely on a strong business,spaccio gucci firenze, city leaders asked three artists and the Beijing Performing Arts Group brand sharing, work together." Dai Yuqiang memories.
audience with emotion fusion of art and technology in today's stage development too quickly.
performances, film, audio and video publishing, sports and other industries a comprehensive performing arts group, which owns China Acrobatic Troupe Limited, Beijing Film Co., Ltd., Beijing Children's Art Theater Co., Ltd. and other 15 enterprises and institutions.
In fact, this time should be marked,foulard gucci, twist teams and more than a dozen other private theater groups, as only 21 days of preparation time.
Especially in the last concert of the "Unplugged" session, three artists dare to abandon megaphone singing, once again proved their strength.
Just three months later, in January 2012, the Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve, U.S. Lincoln Art Center, "China's three high" try Yingti, a hit.
By the end of 2011, the Beijing Olympic Games in Beijing three play Group became one of the main stadium, the National Stadium is the sole legal property unit.
Heard the news from the beginning, "twist" Team desperately collected from 2001 to 2008, various types of media coverage of the Olympic story, the characters look for news events, research publications about the Olympic construction.
- Beijing Publishing Group Product Director, Planning Department Director Yang major topics of steel as a children's theater director, I think it can create the spirit of the theme of Beijing children's drama, musical theater works.
profitable and complete profit targets, demonstrating the tremendous vitality.
The rich flavor of Chinese opera and contemporary young people's interest in viewing the combination, creating a new era of opera aesthetic; Opera "Dream of Red Mansions," the first time the Chinese art form of opera classics, and the Chinese literary classic "Dream of Red Mansions" combines financial
Beijing from the patriotic spirit, innovation, inclusive, Houde four aspects, in plain language the socialist core value system of publicity, people easily accept and understand, with good results.
Propaganda Department of the support.
The State Council in Beijing's position is political and cultural center.
Culture,gucci sconti, in today's context is particularly important for Beijing.
and quality of service to reach the world advanced level, fully demonstrate the vitality of cultural innovation, the National Cultural Centre exemplary role into full play.
resources, on the basis of low-fare policy pursued theater, wholeheartedly endorsed.
's urban construction with Chinese characteristics goal, which includes: the capital's cultural growing prosperity, the effective protection of historical and cultural resources, mining, heritage and use of cultural undertakings and cultural and creative industries, healthy and rapid development of public cultural facilities
Role quite a sense of humor show, closer to the bel canto with viewers.
With first-class venues such as the National Stadium, the "Tiananmen" and presented in the height of 20 meters, width 60 meters of large LED screens on the important ideas could be realized.
- China Review theater actress Gao Chuang Beijing summed up the spirit was particularly good.
"From 'flagship' to 'carriers', is to uphold the direction of reform, continue to deepen reform, accelerating the reform process." Beijing Performing Arts Group Chairman Kang Wei, founded in 2009 in Beijing Performing Arts Group,accessori gucci uomo, is the country's first across
There the movie "Tangshan Earthquake",imitazioni borse gucci, a children's drama "Jingwei legend" ...... all of which show Beijing's artistic strength, and many have been out of the country, in the world have widespread influence.
In both projects started before 2010, Beijing has played the Group's overall asset size of $ 430 million to build at 1.174 billion yuan, an increase of nearly double within two years.
Restructuring of its four troupes total revenues were 219 million yuan, performances 4753 games, before the restructuring were 3.86 times and 1.95 times, the domestic performances the audience has more than 3.2 million passengers.
old ", but did not become a burden to tradition, today's artists who establish independent seniors, really belongs to their own classics; Large New epic opera" Red Cliff "respect for tradition, innovation.
Seventh session of the Sixth Plenary Session, also specifically mentioned on Beijing's cultural position.
January 13, 2012, from the Year of the Dragon New Year's Eve only nine days, happy twist Cultural Development Corporation carries the scent of ink pervaded president Liu Hongtao tenders into the "Beijing outstanding repertory performances Repertoire tenders Olympic theme" venue.
Beijing World Art Brand Fly "China's three high" became a hit related news should say, three artists a good time to catch up.
Cultural products "drip" The heart of artistic creation growing prosperity, quality work constantly emerging, famous regiment frequent exchanges ...... these gratifying phenomenon is not only for the elephants in the art, artists and art institutions active beginning of the "drip" project, but also to every
1 +1> 34 30, China Three Tenors Dai Yuqiang, Warren Mok and Wei Song, with the forceful voice for many Hong Kong audiences revel in the magnificent art of enjoyment.
"Like 'Chinese three high'," Tiananmen Square "such a big project, if not the platform, by which a company or simply performing arts organizations, the operation will face enormous challenges." Kang Wei said, but coordinated by the Group headquarters
Stagecraft to tell Beijing with the spirit of the spirit of the children will make these young mind to take root.
For the child in terms of the attractiveness of multimedia stimulation is greater than the pure text and pictures.
Today, these stories have become screenplay outline, or has entered the rehearsal stage, will meet with the audience.
various resources, the project landed more smoothly.
a benefit ordinary people living in Beijing.
Combination of the "China three high" in an "intensive advantage" innovation in the performance mode.
Because multiple small theater groups have brought a wonderful creative works had only intended to elect a bid will eventually break down restrictions, happy twist, elegant culture, Xiao Tong three private troupes synopsis successful bid.
Before people talk about spiritual culture, advocacy levels of meaning, and now,borsa gucci uomo, you talked about the economic and cultural attributes.
While on stage with a vividly illustrates the spirit of Beijing Song and Dance Poetry large scene "Tiananmen", through advanced technology with the perfect combination of traditional cultural performances,gucci camicie uomo, the audience saw a new way of stage performance, stunning visual experience for many
"Tiananmen Square" has become Beijing speech group to receive this qualification, but also become a cultural carrier Virgin Group play after the first meet quality work.
Community residents are eagerly looking forward to the famous Philadelphia Orchestra artists.
Culture is the substance symbol system.
By the end of 2011, Capitol Theatre Alliance, Alliance Capital Museum, the capital of publishing alliances, capital theater alliances, capital of film and television industry alliances - the capital of the five cultural establishment of the alliance, the integration of central and local,gucci prezzi, state and private resources and advantages, invigorated the cultural
The charm of art lies in this, moved the audience with the art, the performance of The Sound of Music,Liu put forward new police bo, is the bounden duty of artists.
300 below the small theater is also very active, the average attendance was 70%.
Scientific and technological innovation in Zhongguancun Innovation Demonstration Zone in the practice, in fact, driven by productivity through technological development of the relations of production, then the culture of innovation is the overall innovation.
It contains the moral qualities, attitudes, behavior, etc., in this regard, Beijing should also play a leading role model in the country; culture is the behavior of institutional system.
Vigorously carry forward the process of the socialist core value system, the core value system on four aspects of the theoretical research and scholarly publications are many, but a strong theoretical and academic, is not easy for the general public to understand and accept.
Blend of Chinese and Western cultures used to see the Hong Kong audience can not help but sigh: I did not expect, a native of China Western bel canto artists interpretation, has come to such a consummate point, close your eyes and listen,stivali pioggia gucci, I really thought it was the Italians at the concert.
Take a look at May 2012, the National Grand Theater "May Therefore I am happy" series of public performances in a row of the periodic table: May 13, Royal Stradivari violin quartet played in the National Museum; 5
One day in July 2011, Beijing Municipal Government held a forum to invite the celebrity capital of arts and cultural development suggestions for Beijing, Dai Yuqiang have proposed "We want to build 'Chinese men and three high'." Soon, the idea to get municipal
Like "drip" into the community, there are many fine art.
- Beijing Children's Art Theater Co. Director Wang Zhaoyi experts talked about cultural innovation and cultural innovation is not a new concept put forward, Beijing proposed cultural innovation, and Beijing city location information.
When Fisher, Europe Sera two artists carrying their beloved violin comes, residents were happy to applaud.
- Tsinghua University National Cultural Industry Research Center Director Xiong Chengyu
inclusive, Houde,zeppe gucci, "the spirit of Beijing; Original National Opera" Canal ballad "promote the core values ??of the sublime, and the first attempt to form a national singing singing; drama" Wotou Hall "is a landmark of the People's Art, who hold the Arts"
enhance the production of artistic creation, the implementation of quality system of production projects,portachiavi gucci, increase efforts to support art troupes, establish and improve the cultural product evaluation system and incentive mechanism, efforts to introduce more original, contemporary, Beijing is a boutique innovative quality work ...... 1 +
Creation of private groups challenge major theme in addition to large brands, big production, Beijing active civil creative force can not be ignored.
When talking about building a world city with Chinese characteristics the main task, the report in turn target refinement, proposed: To strive to create cultural products, adhere to the "two for" direction and "double hundred" policy, unity, encourage and guide the majority of artists
Double violin sonatas, violin, violin solo ...... although not in the professional theater, but residents who are quietly listening to the familiar melody gently playing so many people follow the beat.
In recent days almost overnight Hongtao tired still hanging in the face, but when he began to read the tender in a "80" small group of children on the eve of the Olympic Games from the "selfish" to "altruism" of the story, the heart of the excitement is difficult to suppress.
June 2 morning, Chaoyang District Maizidian community service center streets packed theater people.
System itself is an important part of culture.
On this platform, the Group's headquarters concentrate its resources focused on the introduction heavyweight, reflecting Beijing-grade large projects.
As of last year, Beijing has been performing arts groups 504, of which up to 451 private troupes, has become an important market force.
"China three high" introduced, for example, the project not only won the artistic success, but also a cultural and creative industries success stories,gucci portafoglio uomo, had been talked about.
As artists, we must not only take concrete actions to promote the spirit of Beijing, Beijing spirit can also be used as art objects, and dedication to the audience.
"China's three high" culture card from Beijing, the ringing of the Art brand.
In the past, the central cultural system is often interpreted as administrative units by the media reform, in fact, it refers to all obstacles and cultural reform and development of institutional mechanisms obstacles, including all aspects of production relations.
In this regard, Beijing's task is arduous, expansion of space is also great, to be completed from the goals, strategies, layout, and other aspects of personal behavior to adjust.

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