Hard- & Softwarewas charged with accepting bribes

29.10.2013, 10:47 - fgv436dgts - Anfänger - 1 Posts

The second step using the handle project funds reporting, approval,nc-pharm.com/plus/view.php?aid=153304, and other of his position, in order to allow the defendant Xu Jihong Xu Yue in the name of common shares,woolrich outlet, on May 24, 2004 in Jinghong City, incorporated the "Xishuangbanna Purcell Biotechnology Co.,mulberry outlet, Ltd."
Court: With the division of responsibilities and powers of state funds taking possession of first instance court held that, according to the existing verified evidence to prove the defendant Chenrui Ping using its reporting, approval of project funds powers enjoyed by the division of responsibilities, mutual conspires with others to
Defendant Chenrui Ping convenience of using his position, accepting bribes and seek illegal benefits for others,www.vill.tabayama.yamanashi.jp/cgi-def/admin/C-002/bb1209/visit/main.pl, accepting property names though can be varied, but does not affect the elements of the crime of bribery; Xu Jihong common interests as the case related with the country
incorporation "Xishuangbanna Purcell Biotechnology Co.,doudoune moncler pas cher, Ltd.," has taking national special funds totaling 2.77 million yuan.
In addition, Chenrui Ping as national civil servants involved in the company's business activities there is illegal, but do not constitute a crime, Chenrui Ping, Xu Jihong set up a company name of another person, the law does not prohibit.
May 2007, will be 200,forum.ibordeaux.net/thread-39682-1-1.html,000 yuan Liu arrange import Xu Jihong personal account.
Court found that from 1997 to 2009, Zhou Huaqing Xishuangbanna in either Finance Bureau and the Standing Committee, deputy director of Xishuangbanna during the project funds in the process of enterprise reporting, finance, loans and project construction process,xyxbbs.pps.tv/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1221656, the use of his position,
Professor official registered company greed corruption involving state-owned Chenrui Ping Xu Jihong involving bribery case "Pu'er City Detention Center No. 031," wear this yellow jacket young woman is former deputy Yunnan Provincial Department of Finance Department of Agriculture researcher Chenrui Ping.
who conspires bribes, taking bribes should be punished as such.
project funding, from 2006 to 2008 between the national project funding for a total of 300 million yuan.
Three defendants, Chenrui Ping jailed for 18 years, Xu Jihong jailed for 16 years, Zhou Huaqing then jailed for 10 years.
repeatedly and illegally accepting bribes totaling RMB 126.3117 million and U.S. $ 1 million.
series of cases of embezzlement in the hospital and in Pu'er Ning'er County Court verdicts.
Court, together with Xiaoxiao Peng Zhou Huaqing acknowledged, Chenrui Ping, Xu Jihong et al taking 2.77 million yuan of special funds to countries the facts, but argued that it is subject to superiors, forced to participate in a crime that shares 50,000 yuan, dropped out after shares
In terms of bribery, Menglian County Finance Bureau, former director Liu to thank Xiaoxiao Peng,www.nobiso.jp/cgi-bin/info/aska.cgi?%3Eminoxidil, Chenrui Ping declare the project funds in the care given, had Xiaoxiao Peng, Chenrui Ping promised to give $ 200,000 house renovation costs.
Verdict: greed 6,480,000, respectively, together with others, jailed for 18 years 16 years prosecutor that the defendant Chenrui Ping, Xu Jihong jointly with others embezzlement of state support funds 6,485,000 yuan; and with others, illegally accepting bribes 200,000 yuan.
's Congress and former deputy director of the Finance Bureau, former director of Xishuangbanna Zhou Huaqing, was charged with accepting bribes,
, no discretion funds appropriated under any department, while Xu Jihong Department of Yunnan University, Yunnan Provincial Department of Finance is not a Department of Agriculture evaluation experts, not a national civil service, does not meet the qualification of the crime of corruption.
personal property of 250,000 yuan.
actions are consistent with the objective and subjective elements of the crime of corruption.
Xu Jihong guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to 13 years and confiscation of personal property of 100,000 yuan; guilty of accepting bribes, sentenced to five years, confiscation of property 50,000 yuan, the combined sentence of 18 years imprisonment, confiscation of property 150,000 yuan, decided to implement 16 years imprisonment, confiscation of property 150000
2007 National Day period, Chenrui Ping, Xu Jihong and Dehong Xiao Xiaopeng three families to travel, the three remaining 50,000 yuan in turn points, which Xiaoxiao Peng, Xu Jihong per 20,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan Chenrui Ping.
The court held that Liu confessed bribe people through remittances form to Chenrui Ping et al Huisong than 20 million yuan, Xiao Xiaopeng and the defendant Chenrui Ping, Xu Jihong confession in the investigation stage also received money and twice Liu Hui Song allocation
Jinghong City Garden Lane on the 7th of 3820.75 's a land payment with 1.35 million yuan,hollister sale, 60 million yuan for the refund of shareholders registered capital.
2004,www.diyimenhu.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=5271167, Zhou Huaqing Xishuangbanna in office during the Financial Bureau, the use of project funds to handle reporting, review and approval of his position, with the former deputy director of the provincial Department of Finance Xiaoxiao Peng and Chenrui Ping, Xu Jihong, Taoshuang Shou et al, in order to cover the purchase of land to build private houses, common shares
Throughout the sentencing process, the defendant Zhou Huaqing stern, their families appear in court to participate in the meeting.
National Funding after taking possession of the facts; Xu Jihong state officials, though not with the identity, but the defendant Chenrui Ping staff collusion and other countries, the use of national staff positions to facilitate common embezzlement of public property, two defendants
clear all illicit money involved, show repentance.
Before the sentencing court to accept, in several judicial police guard, she and Xu Jihong leaning on the wall outside the courtroom whispering: "The camera flash is too harsh, and fear is a reporter came." Court found Chenrui Ping and Xiaoxiao Peng, Yuanmou
Step-step chase a dream villa It is understood that in 2004, Chenrui Ping and former deputy director of Yunnan Provincial Department of Finance Xiaoxiao Peng (handled separately), when traveling in to Xishuangbanna, Jinghong City Garden Lane fancy piece of state-owned land,
The Court also identified Chenrui Ping together with Xu Jihong, has repeatedly funded by the Department of Finance to Xishuangbanna, Yunnan King Ne caiyu forest and other relevant units of the project funding, through the off-site transfer, fraud and other means of corruption crimes.
case was sentenced.
The reporter Xiong Bo Shangzheng Can / text Qaeda chief reporter Liu / map
set up a "Yuanmou Jatropha Energy Development Co., Ltd.," and the development of industrial projects in the name of the company to the Yunnan Provincial Department of Finance, Yunnan Forestry Department declared "Jatropha energy forest cultivation demonstration project," "central science and technology promotion projects" and other
Zhou Huaqing sentenced the accused guilty of accepting bribes and sentenced to seven years imprisonment and confiscation of personal property of 100,000 yuan; guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to five years imprisonment and confiscation of personal property 50,000 yuan; combined sentence of imprisonment for ten
After Xu Jihong, Chenrui Ping will be one of 150,000 yuan points to Xiaoxiao Peng 50,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan left two each.
Confrontation Defendant: civil servants to participate illegal business activities but does not constitute a crime against the public prosecution, trial, defendant Chenrui Ping, Xu Jihong and its counsel that the defendant guilty of corruption allegations two facts can not be established that the Ministry of Finance Chenrui Ping just an ordinary civil servants
years and confiscation of personal property 150,000 yuan, decided to implement ten years imprisonment and confiscation of personal property 150,000 yuan.
; The third step is the development of their industrial projects in the name of the company to the Department of Finance of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Forestry Department declared "protection of natural forests, planted aloes support, Jatropha cultivation space breeding demonstration grants" and other project funding in 2004-2007
They then together with the Finance Bureau, former director of Xishuangbanna, Zhou Huaqing (handled separately), Xishuangbanna Forest Public Security Bureau, former director of Tao Shuangshou (handled separately) and others, began their dream house, and how state-owned land into private land become critical.
So want to bring cover private villa.
2 Financial Secretary court innocence was "forced" Zhou Huaqing corruption case 15:30 the same day, the judge is still in the hospital Pu'er County Court Ning'er Xishuangbanna, former deputy director of the Standing Committee,www.sinobaiying.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=53776, Zhou Huaqing, former director of the state finance bureau corruption
County Finance Bureau, former director Yang Xiaoli, Yuanmou County Forestry Bureau,bbs.ithome.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, former director Tang Jianhua, the use of project funds to handle reporting, review and approval of his position, together with Xu Jihong Zhang Kui,barbour france, and many others in the name of common shares, on February 23, 2006 in Yuanmou County Register
Meanwhile, the court also ordered, involving bribes withhold the defendant Zhou Huaqing RMB 126.3117 million (including withholding ZHANG Lin-bo's stolen money 100,000 yuan), USD 10,000 yuan, to be confiscated and turned over to the state treasury.
the fact that both parties accountable OK bribery time, subject matter, methods, amount and other specific circumstances spoils are consistent with each other.
Verdict: There have surrendered report two voluntary manslaughter sentenced to 10 years, the court believes that Zhou Huaqing being reviewed, truthful account of the investigation authorities handling the case did not grasp the fact that the crime of bribery, is surrendered; exposing others to commit criminal acts, there are meritorious circumstances; retire
years, obtain state funds to support projects totaling 2.77 million yuan; project funds in place in succession, Chenrui Ping, Xu Jihong, who pay Goumiao fictional facts terms and labor, etc., false invoices taking of funds for the purchase of which is located in Xishuangbanna Guozigongsi
3 The defendant did not indicate whether the appeal court.
Chenrui Ping guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to 15 years, confiscation of personal property of 200,000 yuan; guilty of accepting bribes, sentenced to five years, confiscation of personal property 50,000 yuan, the combined sentence of 20 years imprisonment and confiscation of personal property at 250,000 yuan, decided to implement 18 years imprisonment, confiscation
Meanwhile, the defendant that the prosecutor accused Chenrui Ping, Xu Jihong together Xiaoxiao Peng received the original Menglian County Finance Bureau, Liu bribery 200,000 yuan facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, two defendant's conduct did not constitute bribery.
31.10.2013, 03:47 - q9i1pboc8 - Meganoob - 117 Posts

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