Hard- & SoftwareMan riding out multiple Bai Yuanchao four people r

31.10.2013, 02:52 - kdifn7e5l2 - Anfänger - 1 Posts

's wife Li Shumei reminded him that they quickly get off Jianqian. "Hey, in front of the electric car ride, your money out of it!" Zhang Li was heard saying when couples Jianqian original, next to crouch down two pedestrians Jianqian. They are Juan and Donghui Yu, after seeing the man out of money, but also the guy stopped shouting against the wind side, while drifting in the wind picking up the bill. Less than a minute effort, four on the ground picked up the money, Zhang Li couple was picking up a total of 800 yuan. Too late to say, Zhang Li have to get a bike ride in the direction toward men chase, trying to catch up with that name man riding electric car. But Diuqian man riding fast, had not disappeared. The couple picked up 800 yuan, equivalent to half pay day, the reporter saw the road in Fenghua Zhang Li had to wait four, they have been waiting in the wind, the owner more than 40 minutes. But the owner has not come back, they had to call 110. Four police face in front of reporters and nodded his money, a total of one thousand dollars. "The police comrades, you think of a way to see how to find the young man, he rode so fast." Zhang Li have to say. Reporters learned that Zhang Li may be a company's security, only 1,500 yuan a month's wages, while the wife Li Shumei did not work. A people are now renters. Zhang Li and his wife was thinking about buying a house, but the need to borrow 150,000 yuan enough down payment. Picked up 800 yuan Zhang Li was equivalent to half a month's wages. Is also $ 100, she and her colleagues moderate one hour cold hearted people Juan is a steel company in a casual, her monthly salary is less than $ 1500. However, faced with the hundreds of dollars "to the quick" money, she is not tempted. "Other people's money, we can not be ignorant of the next." Juan said. In these four years, Donghui Yu highest monthly salary per month 2000 yuan. She said that when she and her colleagues are anxious to go out to work. See someone out of money after she picked up 100 yuan, 100 yuan handed to put the hands of police, she has been in place to wait. To this end,abercrombie, she accompanied her colleagues waited an hour. Police are yet to pick up the money the owner worry about find the money is handed the hands of the police, but this really made money out of the police station new ho City police officers made difficult: "We have to take it back to the Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau 110 Command Center, would like to see if there Diuqian alarm information if the owner came to the police station, we will check his identity, be sure the money back to him later. "New Wu Hao Town police station police officer said. But yesterday, reporters contacted again Wu officers, he said, more than a day later, still no one alarm, they do not know how to pay back the money. If you are losing money the electric car man, or if you have clues, please call our news hotline 83830000 to contact us. ZHANG dialogue intentioned people get married couple "Your newspaper said, this is positive energy" ? Reporter: $ 800 is your half of the wages, why do not you direct it into your own pocket ? Zhang Li was: How could so dry that way I itself is a security,barbour sale, the protection of life and property safety of others is my duty. Besides, I do not think we ever "Journal of Hebei Youth Daily" reported in February, a sister lost more than 40,000 in the street, a group of people have come to help her pick up a lot of points,louboutin, you newspaper said, this is a positive energy I am encouraged, I have to publicize positive energy! ? Reporter: I heard that when a person you want to see real estate, short of 150,000 down payment, picked up the money you were faced with how to think ? Zhang Li was his wife, Li Shumei: If you really took that 800 bucks, I was definitely upset health, other people's money we could not move one point. And when the child is still looking at it, when parents can not give the child to establish bad ideas ah! Juan temporary 34-year-old "is not my money,air jordan, not unconscionable to take" ? Reporter: Jianqian when not many people on the street, there were never thought he took forget ? Juan: Now who earn a money children easy ah We are picking up a cheap, people who lost money must be very anxious. We have to Care Yeah, not my money, I could get a penny! ? Reporter: Listen Zhang Li was too couple said you were very anxious, anxious young man is losing money ? Juan: Yes, ah, so much money, people will certainly be very significant. I only hope that the owner of the money brought back early, I was not thinking about it. Donghui Yu hospital staff 34-year-old "I want to tell him, do not be so careless after the" ? Reporter: I heard that you pick up the money, I just want to go to work and co-workers,hogan, colleagues still another place waiting for you ? Donghui Yu: Yes, the company sent us running a little something, you can make me catch this thing of it, (for other people losing money) let my colleague waited for nearly an hour. ? Reporter: Some people say that this is the nosy, 100 dollars for others to delay their work, worth it ? Donghui Yu: I think the value. Is not no big deal depends on how you look, and if I lost my money, and certainly hope that people can pick back to me, no matter how much money, this is a mind, I wasted some time nothing, just wanted to tell the young man later Do so careless, and if lost more valuable things in trouble. ? text / reporter intern reporter Miao Dekay reporter Cai Li ? photo / reporter Renquan Jun









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