Hard- & Softwareset up a high-City Leading Group

31.10.2013, 05:04 - yun49gwre4 - Anfänger - 1 Posts

's Hospital has received 20% of the drugs doctors kickbacks. Gaozhou Maoming and the relevant personnel have taken measures to investigate the Yangcheng Evening News (reporter Luo Ping, Xia Yang) reported: 11 evening, CCTV's "Focus" program broadcast "prescriptions secret behind",Ciao mondo!!, the disclosure of Maoming,hogan bambino prezzi,Hotel opened congratulations banner hanging more than 10 agencies has been questioned (group, Guangdong Province High City People's Hospital, doctors receive a 20% rebate insider medicines,scrpe hogan, medical representative program revealed that hospital doctors received kickbacks also controls must not exceed 25%, as also to other aspects of a share. Show also aired pharmaceutical representatives to doctors to send cash videos. After the broadcast, Maoming Municipal Government, Gaozhou municipal government to take immediate action on the problems reflected CCTV investigation and disposal. That night, Maoming City, deputy secretary of the Supervisory Bureau led by Li Zhijie Maoming City discipline inspection,giglio scarpe hogan, supervision, inspection, health, pharmaceutical,hogan scarpe prezzi, prices and other department heads rushed Gaozhou, investigate,basic health care, learn to deal with the problem. Gaozhou Party Secretary Zhao Guanghui, deputy secretary, acting mayor Li and other organizations related departments re-watched the news reports, and together with the Maoming city leaders meeting to study the deployment investigative work. Evening's meeting, set up a high-City Leading Group, and the composition discipline inspection, supervision, inspection, public security, pharmaceutical,with an estimated half of the, prices, health and other departments joint working group on the CCTV news reflected in the issues related to the investigation and evidence collection, the current Measures have been taken to the relevant personnel and investigation. Find out the truth as soon as possible, and to be made public; For the problems identified,hogan scarpe bambino, regardless of who is involved, will be severely punished according to the law, will not be tolerated. High City Health Bureau to develop corrective measures for the same evening, in the city's medical and health units and health care workers in particular on key actions, key positions, key links, key personnel targeted remediation, and resolutely combat the phenomenon of accepting kickbacks medicine. High City People's Hospital also has strict requirements (profile picture toxic effect of Cu photo) Provincial Health Department has sent inspection teams to go GAOZHOU Yangcheng Evening News reporter Xia Yang,calzature hogan prezzi, Guangdong Wilson correspondent reports: Jan. 11 evening CCTV Focus Exposure Gaozhou People's Hospital doctors kickbacks, the provincial CPPCC Vice Chairman, the provincial health department director Yao Zhibin,todds, the provincial health department immediately instructed party secretary Chen Yuansheng, Maoming Municipal Health Bureau instructed the thorough investigation of the matter. 12 morning,catalogo scarpe hogan, the provincial health department to convene a meeting department heads, the meeting decided to set up inspection teams, the day went Gaozhou People's Hospital, in conjunction with the local health administration and discipline rectification of departments to reflect the situation of the media to investigate. Once verified a disciplinary infractions, will urge local authorities to be determined by the relevant provisions dealt with severely. 12, the provincial health department to the province's health system also issued an urgent notice requiring local field of pharmaceutical procurement to further intensify the fight against unhealthy practices and governance efforts to carry out the "honest honesty hospital" to create work, to promote the province's medical institutions, medical ethics , professional style building and medical institutions integrity risk control mechanisms. Former dean Zhonghuan Qing GAOZHOU hospital called "Gaozhou Mode" in denial after his retirement, he said - a thousand words sentence: heartache! Yesterday morning, the Yangcheng Evening News reporter accepts connections interview,hogan interactive uomo, former president of High City People's Hospital in Jiangxi Zhong Huanqing body, he said: "I am no longer continue after leaving the hospital the previous practice, saying that 'mainstreaming' I used to I feel very sorry, it is heartbreaking. "Zhonghuan Qing in 2002 -2011 served as High City People's Hospital, in June 2011 after leaving office as High City's deputy director. According to media reports,vendo scarpe hogan, during his tenure innovative hospital development model,portafogli hogan, take the "puerile" line, depress the price charged, improve service quality, so that a substantial increase in hospital outpatient,scarponcini hogan, many patients outside the city come here to see a doctor, this model has also been called health care reform "Gaozhou mode" to many hospitals around the study tour. Zhonghuan Qing interview with reporters yesterday, said he left a month ago Gaozhou, to Jiangxi Shangrao served as president of a private hospital, "the work of the NPC, the experience accumulated over the rest of my life feeling wasted,hogan shoes online, come here to be able to play the heat, but also to make his ability to do more. " Talking high-City People's Hospital, Zhonghuan Qing said his practice after leaving the hospital changed greatly, "said a return to the mainstream." He smiled and said, "This means that the previous model of development is not the mainstream." For what happened after he left, he said, things have changed, now I do not know where to start, do not want to say. As Gaozhou People's Hospital, doctors received kickbacks was broke, Zhonghuan Qing repeated their feelings: "a thousand words merged into one sentence: distressed." Yangcheng Evening News reporter Xia Yang Yuanzhang's phone has not been connected to high-City People reporter yesterday hospital, the patient does not see the flow of people less, many patients that doctors received kickbacks after exposure CCTV said,compra hogan online, "Doctors must be punished for violations." For health care reform "Gaozhou mode" Most patients that the hospital does technology, services and the environment on the whole very good, sick or willing to come. Reporters in the high-City People's Hospital tried to interview the hospital president and party secretary Ye Guanrui, but the office door closed, the staff told Dean not in the hospital. Reporters from morning to afternoon several attempts to contact Yeguan Rui, but their phone is always "is in a call." Gaozhou government source said Ye Guanrui these days in Beijing,Nuove hogan scarpe nuovo senso piace cambiare, he had been informed as soon as possible after the accident to return. Yangcheng Evening News reporter Xia Yang [Glossary] Gaozhou Mode "Gaozhou model" stands for "high-City People's Hospital operating model." Its pattern summarized as public hospitals,hogan online, in the absence of compensation to the government under the premise of reach for High City People's Hospital through sunshine procurement, standardize practice, routine unannounced visits, comprehensive accept supervision and other measures to break the current public hospital doctor is difficult expensive drugs to support medical, drug procurement kickbacks, surgery and various other bad habits envelopes and implement parity line, extensive cultivation and greatly reduce medical costs, solve a lot of low-income patients' medical needs, harmonious doctor-patient relationship. Through these measures, the City People's Hospital showed high medical costs low, good service, good doctors high income public image, to achieve customer satisfaction,hogan outlet stile, doctors benefit, government benefit "triple win" goal. (Original title: CCTV closed Disclosure doctors kickbacks Gaozhou People will have been punished)
31.10.2013, 05:08 - esq9y7tb - Obernoob - 33 Posts

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