Small TalkMother abdominal tumor was 21 kg for children to g

30.10.2013, 00:34 - w13evvhu91 - Anfänger - 3 Posts

's three children are talking with. Sister complained he said: If it were not for his college,mulberry outlet, mother's illness can be cured several years ago,, but now onto this level. The mouth of his sister, little brother a few people being Yunnan Normal reading, there is one year to graduate. Sister complained,abercrombie france, even more so this little brother hung his head, face more and more painful. Originally, the mother came to healing is gold Jinping County set the old Zhai Zhai Xiang old mother of 55-year-old Hani Luo Gan,air jordan femme, the village has more than 100 households, from Jinping county has 130 km. Prior to this, just out of the village had a college student. Three years ago, Luo Gan, the son of the first results of the county,mulberry outlet, was admitted to the Yunnan Normal University. Luo Gan's two daughters had married, he had told her to her 7-year-old husband, live frugally to school for his son to expect in this Hani cottage again confessed one of promise. In fact,abercrombie france,, Luo Gan's condition known as early as six years ago, when she felt a mass in the stomach,, but his son get on the high school,hogan outlet, she was thinking quite a, forbearance and tolerance, save money for the son to school. Result, his son read from a junior high school, and the mother of the tumor within the stomach is also growing. Although not very hungry but have been eating into the rice this year, Luo Gan's condition worsen, increasing abdominal mass, to July, this huge mass finally overwhelmed her. She has been unable to walk, that is very hungry, due to the large mass oppression of the abdominal cavity, chest cavity, has been unable to eat things. In fact, Luo Gan's daughter and son knew the seriousness of her condition, August 13,, they do not stay in Jinping County, will be directly sent to the Kaiyuan Luo Central Hospital of People's Liberation Army 59. Relevant sections of the hospital after repeated consultations and discussions, the final decision by the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital,moncler, responsible, Luo Gan for open surgery. Hardships and risks of surgery not only doctors know, Luo Gan's sons and daughters all know, but for the mother and children are still in the surgical consent form signed. Body 1/3 is a tumor on August 20 morning, Luo Gan into the operating room, one hour later,louboutin pas cher, Luo Gan's abdomen was opened, cut a hole in the belly of a huge tumor, the suction constantly sucking in this tumor,, After one hour,concoagulate]]concoagulate, even sucked out of the 14 kg tumor fluid, installed a whole vat. In absorb the liquid inside the tumor, the doctor who carried out carefully peeled for tumor resection,peuterey outlet, during discovery, Luo Gan of the stomach, intestines have been squashed this huge tumor, liver almost pushed to the chest. 3 hours later, Luo Gan abdominal tumor was finally taken out full,doudoune moncler pas cher,, even with a big tub. And the liquid extracted a previously weighed,woolrich outlet,, yet there are 21 kg. The admission of Luo Gan,hogan outlet, 60 kg of body weight after surgery, only 39 kilograms. More than six hours later, when Luo Gan was safely pushed back ward, her sons and daughters finally comfortable out a long breath. Donations medical student 6 hours operation, not only drained Luo family savings, but also drained finally borrowed money, but leaving Luo concern is to get on the senior son is probably no way completed their studies. Luo Gan strong touched obstetrics and gynecology health care workers, after Monday morning shift, obstetrics director general staff to the initiative: We can use the cheapest drug to provide her with the best treatment, but we have no right to She relief medical expenses, for her son's college dream, let him continue the initiative for donations to complete the final year of their studies. After saying that, all health care workers have donated in just 10 minutes, 42 health care workers to contribute 5,110 yuan. Although the donation is in the doctor's office, but that Luo Gan disease sufferers also came to her aid stretched hand. See the good people of donations, Luo Gan, the youngest son in addition to surprise, was also deeply moved. In particular, he said excitedly: Be sure to insist on completion of their studies, to his mother, and even more so many good people. Renrui Gang, chief correspondent correspondent Huang Li photo coverage (Spring City Evening News)

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