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29.10.2013, 10:13 - cayechykjo - Noob - 17 Posts

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Benn holds an MBA degree from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University,,S. the EU Egypt and Jordan Does the religious/nationalist bloc have an end game in mind If so what is it Charles Rich A: It depends of the bloc's components which are not identical in their views and policies The ideological right wing wants to bring 100-200000 more Jews to the West Bank and end once and for all the ideas of partition According to this view the Palestinians wider Arab world and the West will accept this just as they have lived with the settlements for 44 years with little beyond lip-service criticism They also see a post-Hashemite Jordan as the future Palestinian state with the West Bank Palestinians as its citizens who live under Israeli control (or emigrating eastwards) To them it's not short term policy but a very long-term one Q: Hi Mr BennWhy is the Palestinian statehood bid at the UN considered a unilateral action while the construction of settlements in the West Bank is not How could the US pretend to be an honest broker when they veto a Security Council resolution requesting Israel to stop building settlements and now plan to veto the Palestinian statehood bid If the situation were reversed would Israelis feel that what they were being offered was fair Will Israel really allow Palestinians to have a country or is this just all a waste of time and lives ThanksGamal H MustafaPuerto Rico A: All very good questions But political realities are determined by the balance of forces and not by arguments alone The Palestinians have the upper hand at the UN and Israel in America and on the ground in the West Bank Q: Dear Aluf Is Netanyahu aware of the vast amount of political capital with the international friends being consumed through his intransigence How should Jewish people outside Israel who committed to a secure Israel and a viable Palestinian state respond to events this week And is it possible for Abbas to win the UN vote and at the same time reassure Israel Thanks Neil Nerva Vice Chair - Jewish Labour Movement UK A: He knows but believes and hopes that over time Western public opinion will realize the futility of its support for the unimportant Palestinian issue and turn its attention to other regional problems first and foremost to Islamization and extremism Abbas might try to reassure Israelis of his opposition to violence but his ability to control the Palestinian youth and prevent a third intifadah is in question especially if Israel and the US Congress withhold aid and tax revenues from the PA and practically dissolve the PA police force which cares for public order Q: How strong is Iran's influence today with Hamas and/or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Could Iran spark renewed clashes in Gaza a la 2008/09Thank youSally Cummins A: Hamas and Jihad can spark clashes or avoid them based on their own calculations; they don't take orders from Iran Q: Dear Mr BennI am a Jew and an Israeli I follow everything and anything that has to do with Israel with excitement and anguish Today I am confused Is our prime minister catering to his religious coalition or to the stateKindlyCharles Obadia A: He doesn't seem to notice any difference between them Q: Mr Aluf I'm independent Palestinian citizen I don't support any political faction but I truly know that the majority of my people from Fatah and even Hamas support peace with Israel based on the 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital The question is why do the majority of Israelis - left or right- oppose this fair solution Do Israelis really think that we - Arab and Muslims - could cede Jerusalem Don't you think that peace and only fair peace could ensure the safety of Israelis Until when will Israel stay dependent on America Will America stay the dominant power forever Do you or your government know what will happen in Egypt Syria Jordan Iran Turkey and the rest of the Muslim countries a year from now Why do Israelis always choose war not peace Why Abdlerahman Ahmed A: You pose many good questions Let's focus on the key one: The majority of Israelis support a two-state solution but don't trust the Palestinians to keep the peace The scars from the second intifada's suicide bombings and the rocket attacks following the Gaza pullout dominate mainstream political thinking in Israel Q: Hello Would the new Palestinian 'state' include the Gaza Strip The de facto ruler in Gaza is Hamas and I cannot see how Abbas could decide or implement anything in Gaza Should Palestine be recognized as an independent state and include Gaza would a continued barrage of rockets from Gaza into Israel not automatically mean war between the two states Assuming Palestine is recognized as an independent state what would be the status of the 300000-500000 Jews living on the West Bank - illegal settlers or citizens of Palestine And are they likely to stay or will they seek refuge in Israel or elsewhere Thank youPietro de MarchiBolzano Italy A: The presumed state will include Gaza but only on paper since Abbas' PA has no authority there As for the settlers in the past whenever Israel withdrew from territory it took away its settlers Abbas demands a similar treatment of the future Palestine; Netanyahu differs Q: Why does Haaretz take such a hard line on Netanyahu's request that Palestinians forego the physical right of return as a prelude to talks but take Abbas insistence on a settlement freeze in Jerusalem as justified Surely both sides should give something or talk without pre-conditions Carla UK A: Netanyahu's demand from Abbas was not as you stated but rather to recognize Israel as "the state of the Jewish people" which makes the Palestinian national narrative null and void Since no leader would agree to forgo his nation's ethos Netanyahu's demand appears to be a deliberate block to meaningful negotiations over the core issues Q: Given that the statehood bid will not affect any immediate change on the ground what is the Palestinian Authority hoping to gain Will Palestine's accession to the UN as a nonmember observer state strengthen their position in their negotiations with IsraelWhat cost to the US will there be once they veto the Palestinian bid Can these costs be reduced if European states also vote no on the bid Kevin HakakianLos Angeles CA A: The recognition will further erode the legitimacy of Israel's occupation in the West Bank and strengthen the Palestinian position vis-à-vis Israel in international bodies and courts allowing the new state to bring its case against the settlement to the International Criminal Court Q: Hi AlufWhat is really behind Israel's fear regarding the United Nations recognizing the legitimacy of the State of Palestine There seems to be near hysteria emanating from Israeli politicians Kind RegardsShaun Sheridan Australia A: The Netanyahu government believes that Israel should control parts of the West Bank including East Jerusalem into the future for both ideological and security reasons A UN resolution recognizing Palestine within the pre-1967 lines is therefore inimical to Israeli policy as it turns all Israelis beyond the Green Line into trespassers Could you drop it again,, When the auditorium was built.
Fresh out of school and doing an internship at an international news agency, Privatization was his mantra ? he apparently felt much more strongly about the inherent good of the market than he ever felt about the Oslo Process he?d reluctantly inherited ? and that has radically changed the face of Israel. I remember there was this one guy who was talking,Michael Kors Outlet, fledgling comic by night.April HuntSenior home seeking donations of linenMountain View Personal Care Home is seeking donations for a linen shower that will take place 2 p. scheduled for 10 a.8 Black 61.6 57.? What is the role of simplicity and clarity? Much of NewDealDesign?s success comes in form of appealing to the broader public.
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