Modding & EditingThe brand new Secretary of State John Kerry

29.10.2013, 11:29 - fenpxsli - Pfeifenkopp - 205 Posts

Redford to lobby for Keystone at National Governors meeting
With mounting antiKeystone pipeline protests, Alberta Premier Alison Redford is going to be visiting Washington to promote Alberta's environmental record and lobby for the XL Keystone pipeline. Alberta's budget woes make oil sands development essential.
Facing a renewable resource revenue shortfall of $6 billion, along with a deficit of close to $4 billion, Alison Redford is going to be visiting Washington to lobby for that approval of the XL Keystone pipeline. Alberta's Environment Minister Diana Queen is going to be visiting Maine and Vermont to market Alberta's environmental record.
President Obama has made climatechange and carbon emission reduction a major priority, both during his inauguration speech on January 21st and also at the state of the union address to the American people. Environmentalists have ramped up their protests in the White House to convince President barack obama to put his money where his mouth is. As reported on Digital Journal, a week ago approximately 35,000 protested in Washington to bar the approval from the pipeline.
The XL Keystone pipeline, which requires a presidential permit, was initially rejected in 2011 by President barack obama, stating environmental concerns of the sensitive Nebraska Sandhills. An alternate route bypassing the Sandhills have since been approved by the Nebraska legislature.
The brand new Secretary of State John Kerry,canada goose sale canada, who will be assessing their state department's environmental assessment is a climate change advocate and he makes it clear that his decision around the pipeline will be faced on facts and science and never ideology. Advocates of the pipeline,, including Alison Redford, believe that the decision come in favor from the pipeline, but given the new engagement through the president and the secretary's advocacy, the approval might be on shaky grounds.
Redford visited Washington soon after becoming premier in October 2011 lobbying people in Congress. She also made stops in Chicago. Gary Doer, former New Democratic Party premier of Manitoba and current Canadian ambassador to the US, continues to be lobbying American lawmakers to push for that approval. US lawmakers seem to be divided around the issue along party lines,, with Republicans pushing for approval and Democrats more inclined to have it rejected.
"What we're seeing at this time is not really unexpected," Ms. Redford said in on Thursday. "We've always asserted when the election was over and that when a new cabinet was put in place that we were going to wish to participate in that dialogue, so this is going to be my first trip since then."
Aside from emphasizing economic benefits of the pipeline, Redford also really wants to discuss Alberta's environmental record. An emission monitoring system was to be in place,canada goose online, but has come marred in a bureaucratic nightmare and jurisdictional battle between Alberta and the authorities. Alberta has invested $167 million in 43 clean energy projects and it is levying a $15 a lot carbon levy on large emitters who fail to meet legislated limits. Redford says that this is exactly what she wants to talk about.
Fundamentally this province probably more than every other province in Canada is influenced by these issues, and we want to keep championing those issues.
President Obama is expected to make a decision on the pipeline later this spring. Whether or not Redford can convince the governors is questionable. It would appear that the battle lines in america have been drawn. Environmentalists expect obama to fulfill his promises, while proponents want the pipeline approved to enhance an unwell economy.
Redford's government says it needs projects for example Keystone to spread out market access and arrest the loss of vast amounts of dollars from its discounted oil.
Environmentalists want Keystone to be killed like a message that the Usa no longer wants oil from socalled "dirty oil" projects such as the oilsands.
While Redford may be well intentioned, it's doubtful that she will much effect on Washington lawmakers or the National Governors Association. Republicans will view a rejection as damaging to the economy and a job killing decision, while most Democrats will consider it a choice that will help save the planet.

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