Modding & EditingChairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region last year,

30.10.2013, 12:02 - gr8a4cfas - Anfänger - 3 Posts

Advocating a variety of inciting acts of extreme violence in an attempt to destroy the peace, tranquility and happiness of the Tibetan people live.
2011,magasin abercrombie belgique, Tibetan nationality fresh graduate employment rate of 99%, basically to achieve full employment.
53 years ago March 28, Chinese Communist tide of history, led the Tibetan serfs,pull hollister surnommé Tang a également abasourdi, sparking a most magnificent 20th century mass "abolitionist" struggle, completely destroyed the world's last bastion of feudal serfdom,
Tibetan Buddhist reincarnation peculiar way and historical heritage are fully respected.
March 28, 1959, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, to the liberation of the serfs as the core goal of democratic reform in Tibet campaign kicked off, thereby opening up Tibet from darkness to light, from poverty to prosperity,marque hollister, from backwardness to progress, from
one of the regions.
"King Gesar", etc. into the non-material cultural heritage protection, the Tibetan language learning, use and development has been attached great importance to become China's ethnic Tibetan coded text first international standard text; Tibet's ecological environment
Friends, comrades!
, police officers and men, to all concerned to support Tibet's reform and opening up and modernization drive overseas Tibetans, overseas Chinese people of all circles to express my sincere gratitude and highest respect!
In 2011, Tibet's GDP reached 60.583 billion yuan, the general budget revenue reached 5.47 billion yuan; 2011, Tibetan nationality fresh graduate employment rate of 99%, the basic realization of full employment, school-age children enrollment rate reached 99.4%; Tibetan population from
Currently, Tibet had 1,700 sites for religious activities, monks and nuns of about 4.6 million people, all kinds of religious activities normally.
53 years ago, to the liberation of the serfs as the goal of democratic reform opened up a new era in the history of Tibet.
(Source: Tibet Daily)
Third, political rights are effectively protected.
Country attaches great importance to ecological and environmental protection in Tibet, invested heavily to build 47 nature reserves, ecological function protected areas 21, the protected area accounts for 34.5% of the whole area, ranking first in the country,Retour à l’école de mode: Hollister sortie, is still the best global ecological environment
A large number of Tibetan and other ethnic minority cadres rapid growth, has become a building and developing Tibet in the backbone, in the autonomous region, prefecture and county levels composed of personnel of state organs, Tibetan and other ethnic minorities accounted for 77.9%.
Social security system to achieve full coverage, the number of insured reached 1,848,000 passengers.
No matter what the Dalai Lama and the Dalai clique to take trick, the Tibetan people oppose separatism and safeguarding national unity strong will not change.
Serfs were liberated, swagger into the glorious socialist road and become masters of the country.
I wish the great motherland prosperous,robe abercrombie!
Tibet's development and progress of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council special care, and vigorously support the results, is the people, especially provinces and municipalities, the central state organs and the central backbone enterprises selfless assistance of the result is the region's peoples hard work, selfless
Pema Lin said that Tibet's development and progress thanks to the State Council's special care and support,Une nouvelle gamme de vestes Hollister vestes sont Wilcox qui viennent en brun et de la marine, thanks to the National People's selfless assistance to the people of Tibet will always bear in mind.
Six is ??the continued good ecological environment.
"March 28, 1959, the watershed between the old Tibet, history will forever remember this glorious day." Pema Lin said.
a glorious chapter in the chapter.
Fourth,abercrombie junior, religious freedom is respected.
dedication of the results, the Tibetan people will always bear in mind.
be respected, excellent traditional culture protection, inheritance and development.
Tibet's population increased from 1,228,000 in 1959, increased to 3.03 million in 2011, which accounted for 90.48% Tibetan population, average life expectancy from 35.5 years in 1959 to 67 years of age.
In reversing black and white, lobbying defrauding people know the truth of sympathy and support, advocating a variety of inciting acts of extreme violence in an attempt to destroy the peace, tranquility and happiness of the Tibetan people live.
We will always hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as guidance, thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, adhere to the Chinese Communist Party leadership, adhere to the socialist system, adhere to the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and adhere
Pema Lin said, however, the old Tibet, the Dalai Lama led forces behind its so-called "government in exile", not willing to own "paradise" was overwhelmed by the progressive trend of history,Vêtements Hollister semblent bonnes, still had the privilege of possession obsession, still
Second, people's livelihood and career to achieve progress.
This is the Chinese people to the world's major contribution to the cause of human rights is an important milestone in the international abolitionist movement to promote the progress of human civilization.
January 19, 2009, the Second Session of the Ninth NPC Tibet Autonomous Region decided each year on March 28 to Serfs Emancipation Day, to commemorate the liberation of serfs in Tibet one million.
Five is the fine traditional culture protection, inheritance and development.
The state has invested heavily in the Potala Palace, Norbulingka and Sakya Monastery maintenance to protect cultural relics, "King Gesar", etc. into the non-material cultural heritage protection list.
2011, the region's GDP reached 60.583 billion yuan, the general budget revenue reached 5.47 billion yuan, according to comparable prices, respectively, in 1959 93.9-fold and 48.5-fold.
Full-text: Comrades and friends: March 28, 1959,Hollister chemise peut vous faire para?tre branché et sportif, the watershed between the old Tibet, history will forever remember this glorious day.
At the same time, the political rights of the Tibetan people are effectively protected.
Tibetan language learning, use and development has been attached great importance to become China's ethnic Tibetan coded text first international standard text.
Tibetan people and people across the country enjoy the same equal participation in the management of state affairs and self-management in the region, the political rights of ethnic affairs.
First,pull hollister, the economic development has made great achievements.
53 years, the Chinese Communist Party led the people of Tibet, continue to make great achievements in economic and social development of a lively practice, give us a profound revelation: Only under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the socialist road and Tibet have a bright future, only resolutely safeguard
with Chinese characteristics, the characteristics of the Tibetan way of development,hollister espagne, conscientiously implement the General Secretary Hu Jintao attended the Eleventh National People's Congress of Tibet delegations to consider the important speech, to build a united, democratic, prosperous, civilized and harmonious socialist
This naked separatist conspiracy, history does not agree, the people do not agree, will end in failure!
53 years, the central concern, support and national unity and struggle of people of all nationalities in Tibet, the "Tibet of today, economic and social development, the people of all ethnic groups share the achievements of reform and equal enjoyment of the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution, wrote a glorious chapter
After elected directly and indirectly more than 34,000 four deputies, the Tibetans and other ethnic minorities accounted for 94%.
1959 to 1,228,000 in 2011 increased to 3.03 million, which accounted for 90.48% Tibetan population in Tibet average life expectancy from 35.5 years in 1959 to 67 years of age.
chapter. "he said.
However, the Dalai Lama led forces and their old Tibet behind so-called "government in exile", and not willing to own "paradise" was overwhelmed by the progressive trend of history, still had possession of the privilege Lianlianbuwang, still reversing black and white
, lobbying defrauding people know the truth sympathy and support; still struggling packaging separatist ideas and seek "Tibet independence" in an attempt to restore the theocratic regime.
Modern education system to establish a comprehensive, school-age children enrollment rate reached 99.4%, free education "three guarantees" subsidy standards to achieve annual student 2,300 yuan.
new Tibet and work hard!
Here, on behalf of the Tibet Autonomous Region party committee and government, to the development and progress of Tibet has long contributed to the country people, especially the bear counterpart support of provinces and cities, the central state organs and the central backbone enterprises, Tibet People's Liberation Army, armed police officers and soldiers
continued good ecological environment in Tibet remains the world's best in the world.
dictatorship to democracy, from closed to open in history.
'm on the 27th evening televised speech, said: "Only under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the socialist road, Tibet have a bright future, only resolutely safeguard national unity and oppose separatism in Tibet to achieve leapfrog development and long-term stability."
I wish the people of Tibet happy and healthy!
Now Tibet has been standing at a new historical starting point.
53 years, the CPC Central Committee, State Council, under the loving care of people in the country's strong support of the great liberation of Tibet's social productive forces, overall economic and social development of peoples share the achievements of reform and development, equality and fulfill the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution, and write
"No matter what the Dalai Lama and the Dalai clique to take trick, the Tibetan people oppose separatism and safeguarding national unity strong will not change." He said.
national unity and oppose separatism in Tibet to achieve leapfrog development and long-term stability.
A large number of Tibetan and other ethnic minority cadres rapid growth in building and developing Tibet in the backbone, in the autonomous region, prefecture and county levels composed of personnel of state organs,hollister et abercrombie, Tibetan and other ethnic minorities accounted for 77.9%; religious freedom in Tibet

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