Info BoardWhat\'s the real story on aspartame and the FDA

30.10.2013, 09:22 - mignyry0v - Noob - 16 Posts

In fact, hundreds of Chinese cities are facing water shortages."Swelling numbers of Chinese can now afford piped water, private bathrooms, washing machines, homes with gardens, cars that need washing, and more food, which needs growing. As such, sweetened beverages should never take the place of vitamins and minerals, as well as other nutrients.Fried treatsFried food should be avoided not only because they increase the body's cholesterol levels.
This leaky gut causes undigested food particles to pass into the bloodstream where they are tagged by the immune system and attacked with massive inflammatory processes that have the ability to affect nearly every system in the body.The most common food-based culprits include all processed foods, Lululemon artificial sweeteners/preservatives and products containing gluten.
They only get away with it now because they can lobby Washington to steal taxpayers' dollars and transfer them to drug companies.Good News Item #7) America's military imperialism will soon end. The grain buckwheat is high in rutin and helps to protect against radiation and stimulates new bone marrow production.
There was a point where they simply "awakened" and began to consciously question the world around them.Intelligent, informed skeptics are the people asking questions like:• Why do twenty different mainstream news sources all report the exact same news, using the exact same words, on the exact same day? ( If they were all investigating and writing their own news, wouldn't their news be different?• Why did Wall Street get a multi-trillion-dollar bailout from Washington while the American people are still required to pay taxes that involve sending money to Washington? If Washington can just magically create a trillion dollars overnight, why do we pay taxes, then?• Why does the USDA now actively conspire with GMO seed companies to keep approving genetically modified seeds even without any scientific evidence of their long-term safety?• If mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to modern science, why is it still being deliberately placed into the mouths of children in the form of "silver" fillings? And why are they called "silver" when they actually contain more mercury than silver?• Where does the fluoride used to fluoridate the public water supplies really come from? ( And if fluoride is so good for people, then why is it so hazardous to handle, and why is it considered a hazardous chemical by the EPA?• What really happened on 9/11? How did WTC 7 collapse if it was never hit by any airplanes? Why did they sweep away the rubble before a proper forensic analysis could be performed?• Are vaccines really safe? Where's the study comparing vaccinated children with non-vaccinated children? Why won't the vaccine industry allow such studies to be conducted?• Why does the cancer industry seem a lot more interested in treating cancer and recruiting cancer patients than actually curing cancer and ending the epidemic? Why does the industry refuse to talk about cancer-causing chemicals or the anti-cancer effects of vitamin D?• Why are toxic food additives still allowed in the food supply? What's the real story on aspartame and the FDA? Why did the FDA oppress stevia for so many decades?• Why is the medical police state now using guns to force parents to medicate their children? In what kind of medical system is it necessary to use the threat of violence cheap lululemon to force compliance?• Why did Clinton bomb the Sudan in the middle of the Monica Lewinsky crisis? Why did Obama suddenly announce the death of Bin Laden in the middle of his "birther" crisis?• Why do we still have the DEA's "War on Drugs," especially since there is ample evidence that the war is a total failure that only increases the prison population while actually enriching the drug gangs with higher street prices?• Why is the TSA still reaching down our pants at the airports if Bin Laden is now dead? Wasn't he the whole reason we created the lululemon australia TSA and hired on those 60,000 security agents in the first place? ( intelligent, skeptical thinker would ask these questions (and many more) as a natural course of basic human curiosity.

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