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registered: 29.10.2013
29.10.2013, 17:45 email offline quote 

Chinese military official also said that the Chinese side reserves the right to take further action.
Please confirm,a&f.
A: I have already answered the questions.
Chinese government announced Diaoyu Islands territorial sea baseline basis, the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands are China's solemn declaration.
Diaoyu Islands are China's inherent territory since ancient times, the waters around the Diaoyu Islands waters under the jurisdiction of China, but also for generations of Chinese fishermen fishing operations,, Chinese fishing boats to the relevant waters justified.
Please confirm.
We urge the Japanese side to return to the two sides reached a consensus and understanding up.
Q: The Chinese government has announced the Diaoyu Islands territorial sea baseline basis.
Japan demonstrations in recent days involving the expression of the Chinese people against the Japanese illegal "purchase" Diaoyu Islands territorial sovereignty against China's strong voice,abercrombie and kids.
China's lawful protection of foreign institutions in China and the safety of personnel, will be based on the actual situation and properly handle relevant issues.
China's comment
How do you comment
Regarding the second question.
Q: Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has asked the Chinese-Japanese demonstrations involving compensation for damaged Japanese companies.
The case is only sporadic cases of serious investigation underway Chinese authorities, will be enforceable.
Chinese fishery boats and fishing boats to enter the relevant waters completely justified.
A: I want to point out that the current Sino-Japanese relations are facing a critical situation is completely unilaterally provoked the Japanese side,blouson abercrombie homme, the core is the Japanese side to deny the two sides reached a consensus on the Diaoyu Islands issue and understanding fully responsible for the Japanese side.
To achieve these goals, the Chinese creatively promote the six-party talks was held.
Q: It is reported that the U.S. Defense Secretary Panetta's meeting with China and Japan on the Diaoyu Islands issue proposals to reach an understanding.
Q: It is reported that the U.S. ambassador's car suffered protesters yesterday in Beijing, seat car slightly damaged.
The Government of Japan should face up to China's solemn requirements and the Chinese people's call for justice,abercrombie paris adresse, and effectively stop the damage to China's territorial sovereignty action to solve the Diaoyu Islands issue back to the negotiating track.
Q: Some analysts have said, because there are a large number of Chinese fishing boats and fishing boats into the waters of the Diaoyu Islands,abercrombie us, Japan is ready to "military preparations."
Chinese official boat to reflect the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands waters to curb abuses, of course.
Q: First, there are the Japanese embassies and consulates in the glass shattered,vetement abercrombie, the Chinese side will compensate
Q: It is understood that originally held in Shanghai on the 20th Sino-Japan Green Expo has been canceled.
What further measures to specifically refer to
's territorial sovereignty and oppose the Japanese side against China's sovereignty acts just call.
A: China has always advocated through dialogue and consultation, a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula.
Does this mean that, if the Japanese official boat into China's territorial waters, the Chinese side will be expelled
May I ask how many of the specific number of fishing
China urges Japan to return to Japan as soon as the two sides reached a consensus and understanding come back to dialogue and negotiations to resolve the dispute on track,hollister magasin.
A: You mentioned that I do not know the specific circumstances.
Talks started nine years ago,site abercrombie, although the ups and downs,solde abercrombie, but it has made, including nine 19 Joint Statement, including a series of important progress.
Meanwhile,commander abercrombie, we always urge the Japanese side to earnestly address the requirements of China's solemn call for justice and the Chinese people, to solve the Diaoyu Islands dispute back to the negotiating track.
What do you expect to restart six-party talks
Q: This year is the six-party talks 9 19 Joint Statement released seventh anniversary,tee shirt hollister.
A: On your first question,fleece abercrombie.
A: The Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been China's inherent territory since ancient times.
I would like to point out that the Japanese government's illegal "Share island" acts of serious damage to Sino-Japanese relations,hollister t shirt, Sino-Japanese exchanges and cooperation in various fields has a negative impact, the obligation shall be borne entirely by the day.
Second, China's lawful protection of foreign institutions in China and the safety of personnel, will be based on the actual situation and properly handle relevant issues.
Secondly,ou acheter abercrombie, yesterday there were reports that there are nearly a thousand fishing boats will go to the Diaoyu Islands waters, but today's reports that only eighty or so.
China's comment
Restart the six-party talks as soon as possible the common interests of all parties.
First, the Japanese government should address the Chinese people to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial strong will and determination.
How does China respond to representations made by the U.S. side on this
Meanwhile,abercrombie taille, the Chinese government requires citizens by the Constitution and the extent permitted by law, calm, rational,abercrombie & fish, orderly manner according to the expression of aspirations.
Practice has proved that the six-party talks is to achieve the denuclearization of the peninsula and maintain peace and stability in Northeast Asia, an effective mechanism to improve the relationship between the parties is an important platform.
China is willing to work with all parties concerned to work together to continue to promote the Six-Party Talks, to achieve denuclearization of the peninsula and maintain lasting peace and stability in Northeast Asia to play a constructive role.
A: The Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been China's inherent territory since ancient times, the waters around the Diaoyu Islands waters under the jurisdiction of China,abercombie and fitch, but also the Chinese fishermen's traditional fishing grounds.
A: The Chinese Government has always earnestly implement the "Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations", and effectively protect foreign diplomatic institutions and personnel safety.

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