MessageboardAllgemeinesIt starts with philo

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registered: 26.10.2013
28.10.2013, 20:35 email offline quote 

It starts with philosophy,Michael Kors.
Then how do you explain the disparity between the team ranking third in the NFL in points scored with 236 yet ranking 25th in overall offense in the NFL? They are a 10-minute ferry ride from the city and have a lot to offer. It was breathtaking to go from a shoreline on one side of the islands to a majestic city skyline on the other."I know what you're thinkin' punk?"There's a reason why those lines from Dirty Harry are some of the most popular and oft-quoted in cinematic history: because we most of us understand that sometimes a 44 Magnum bullet in the middle of the forehead is the only language the bad guys really understandHow often and how vehemently we understand this depends on the times In periods of relative abundance and security (even illusory ones as in the case of the Blair era) we tend generally to take a more accommodating view of criminality tinged with guilt that maybe we deserve it as a punishment for being too affluent In times such as now however we quickly lose patience with such pussy liberal we-are-all-to-blame criminals-are-just-society's-victims nonsense We want retribution harsh immediate and preferably brain-spattered We want someone like Dirty Harry or the Charles Bronson character in Michael Winner's magisterial Death Wish oeuvre Or Harry BrownAt least I hope we want someone like Harry Brown Not having seen the new Michael Caine movie yet I can't be totally sure Perhaps ? like Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino he wusses out at the last minute ? but the plot as related by does sound jolly promising:The film compellingly directed by Daniel Barber is the story of an elderly ex-Marine and widower living on a bleak south estate whose best friend is slaughtered by drug-soaked hoodiesDismayed by the response of the police Caine's Harry seeks his own bloody form of justice embarking on a journey into the hellish world of teenage crime that is both shockingly violent and morally unsparingI wish though I could share D'Ancona's optimism that all these horrors are going to be averted thanks to the simultaneously tough and compassionate measures being planned by David Cameron as part of his Iain-Duncan-Smith influenced mending "Broken Britain" policyThose who say Cameron is a risk-averse pragmatist should read what he has actually said on the subject of social breakdown: for he has repeatedly pledged nothing less than the systematic repair of the Broken Society a series of reforms ranging from tougher welfare policies a transformed education system a presumption that all convicted of a knife crime will go to jail support for those who marry and a range of measures to deal with addictionLong term I would agree that some of this sounds promising But in the immediate future ? the next five years say ? only one thing is going to make any significant difference to the levels of violent crime in Britain and that is stiffer prison sentencing Our coffers are empty Every government department (apart from Health obviously) can expect to have its budgets slashed by a good ten or fifteen per cent Can even the most fervent optimist among Cameron's Kool-Aid drinkers persuade me that he will find the money needed for the necessary prison-building programme and related staffing costsTime I think for us all to follow the two Harrys and reach for our 44 Magnums or our old service revolvers (Except we can't of course thanks to the government's post-Dunblane only-criminals-shall-be-allowed-to-possess-handguns legislation)Time then to emigrate But whereBut a bigger mystery more relevant in Chicago had little to do with Hossa."I just tried to keep it simple,Ugg Outlet, with forwards Brooks Laich and Martin Erat back from injury. ? We?ve been pretty solid in all areas.I suspect not.
but,Ugg Outlet,"Q: When you run that Cover-0,Ugg Boots Outlet, Is it ever really that simple? as some cynics still believe,Ugg Outlet UK, Nothing Marshall has said or done since his first news conference in Chicago nine months ago has seemed disingenuous,Ugg Outlet UK,com. that the CTA long ago negotiated with the Amalgamated Transit Union. Ca. July 23 2013 On July 19 2013 President Obama chose to speak at a Press Conference about the African American communitys possible perspective of the Trayvon Martin tragedy Almost immediately those with a strong predisposition to the Left hailed his speech as one of the most important of his career while those who lean as heavily toward the Right denounced the speech as racially divisiveAs is usually the case with extreme viewpoints each position offers a modicum of truth filtered through a lens of political prejudice The opportunity to make progress is often lost because bias is frequently communicated with more vigor than rational thoughtLets start with the possibility that the Presidents speech might be one of the most important of his career Then we will discuss what elements might have been divisive or at least not fully reflective of an unbiased positionPresident Obama is often mentioned as a great orator Yet we often only observe his ability to deliver the ideas and words of others; carefully written scripts that are read from a TelePrompTer that reflect his strategists interpretation of how to present favorable poll data as authored by a team of professional writers We rarely have a glimpse into the Presidents own thoughts and feelingsIn that regard this was an important speech It provided insight into a more authentic version of the President; a version that exposed his personal experiences and beliefs He offered a thoughtful relatively well-balanced perspective of why the African American community (his term) has become so transfixed with the incident that led to the death of Trayvon MartinThe President opened his remarks with a sincere expression of sympathy to the Martin family and a well-deserved remark about "the incredible grace and dignity with which they?ve dealt with the entire situation" This is a family that has lost a son and still has called upon individuals to temper their actions and to express themselves in a peaceful mannerThen the President paid deference to our judicial system He stated: "The judge conducted the trial in a professional manner The prosecution and the defense made their arguments The juries were properly instructed that in a case such as this reasonable doubt was relevant and they rendered a verdict And once the jury has spoken that?s how our system works" It would be difficult to argue with the accuracy of that statementPresident Obama then entered into the main focus of his speech by saying ". that is exactly the neutral position that we should assume. Alas.
the ?perceptive? Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. notes that such theories are commonplace in Egyptian media. but self-preservation is a top priority in the Middle East which means Saudi support could quickly change if the wind blows in a different direction. You can't help but feel you're the "loser" for being more successful. She refuses to meet halfway at a restaurant. It's a structure that will be built from the ground up on the Catholic bank of the Tiber. and maybe one in each of our major cities,Ugg Boots UK,I also wonder if I am making too much of this.Recently the organization hired a new director; I was working as a consultant on a project for the organization at the time. Amanda is also a Christian homeschool graduate.
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