MessageboardHard- & SoftwareKuhajda said they

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registered: 26.10.2013
29.10.2013, 18:50 email offline quote 

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0% -- Chicago State University 4 -- -- 50.47 58.[The following is an edited version of a longer conversation]Ice-T: They got a hot dog in here? Do you get that a lot? there's so much natural light in the room that it seems the lens must be on the roof to be so bright. Studies in schools retrofitted with large skylights have proved the benefits. started out as something else a fiction feature,Ugg Clearance,I. as the backdrops according to photographer and fledgling filmmaker Bert SternHe planned to write a story with a screenwriter for his then-girlfriend concerning "rich people and music" The script never came to pass "So we had nothing left but this festival" Stern says in the new documentary "Bert Stern: Original Mad Man" "So I said 'Let's just shoot the music'""Jazz on a Summer's Day" and "Bert Stern: Original Mad Man" open this weekend at the Siskel Film Center and together they illustrate what Stern's eye was capable of capturing both one frame and one image at a time and 24 frames per celluloid second With Aram Avakian Stern concocted his evocation of Newport with both the music festival and America's Cup trials underway The opening credits of "Jazz on a Summer's Day" placing the names of the concert participants against brilliantly abstract reflections in the water remain shimmering objects of beautyThelonious Monk sporting the planet's coolest pair of sunglasses was there Anita O'Day scatting like an elegant fiend through "Tea for Two" was there Gerry Mulligan and his sax were there Louis Armstrong was there doing much more than his celebrated duet with Jack Teagarden on "Rocking Chair" Mahalia Jackson ends "Jazz on a Summer's Day" with a handful of vocals capped by "The Lord's Prayer" electrifying enough to explain the very concept of faith to anyone who has trouble believingStern photographed these and other artists with a few lights plunked behind them lending the performers (especially at night) a pearly glow of timelessness "We're very happy we swung for you cats" Armstrong says at the end of his All-Stars set There's never been a concert film any genre any era to top "Jazz on a Summer's Day"Dishy a little sketchy never dull "Bert Stern: Original Mad Man" presents the man behind the camera as explained by his docu-chronicler (and longtime lover) Shannah Laumeister Stern grew up in Brooklyn left school at 13 (he worked as a soda jerk) found himself in the mailroom of Look magazine and then started palling around with Look photographer (and future auteur) Stanley Kubrick Stern became a full-time photographer and along with Richard Avedon and a small competitive handful of others changed the face of commercial American image production He mounted a stylish campaign for Smirnoff vodka at a time when as ad genius Jerry Della Femina says in the movie "This was not a country that drank vodka"Even above pharmaceuticals even above his own career Stern's obsession was women His "final session" with Marilyn Monroe (recently aped by Stern himself with Lindsay Lohan as the woman behind the see-through veil) makes for a fascinating slightly icky story as Stern tells it Near the end the film settles for reality-show self-consciousness as Stern and his lover/documentarian try to get at the narcissism (and kindness) underneath the Stern aura But if you see "Jazz on a Summer's Day" at the Siskel Film Center and you should check out "Bert Stern: Original Mad Man" for a poke at the psychological hornet's nest that created so many alluring images of desire enticed'Jazz on a Summer's Day' -- 4 stars; 'Bert Stern: Original Mad Man' -- 3 stars"Jazz on a Summer's Day" running time: 1:25 Plays at 7:45 pm Friday; 5 pm Saturday; 3 pm Sunday; 8 pm April 19; and 6 pm April 24"Bert Stern: Original Mad Man" running time: 1:29 Plays at 6 8 pm Friday Monday and Tuesday; 3 7:45 pm Saturday; 3 5 pm Sunday; 6 8:15 pm ThursdayBoth at the Siskel Film Center 164 N State St less than one part per billion of the neonicotinoid imidacloropid in streams is enough to kill mayflies.????????

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