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's difficult, high scores province differentiated, medium pilot provinces breakthrough in remote areas pioneers - refraction is different ecological policy environment , different from traditional education, remote entrance in full swing not a game of chess, one size fits all; whether the first breakthrough, still hovering in place, they have experienced are valuable imprint. The off-site entrance, will also be firmly go. - Editor's Heilongjiang Provincial Admissions person in charge - offsite students equal treatment ????? spring Heilongjiang, a remote province, this time to eat a "crab": the nation's first off-site college entrance clear conditions of the provinces. October 29, announced the college entrance Heilongjiang notice requirement "shall have the province of high school and senior high school in the province to attend three consecutive years, parents have a legal profession in the province stable and lawful residence (including rental)," the provinces Ji children or wife may apply locally at the local college entrance (entrance implemented since 2013). Heilongjiang offsite entrance threshold emerged. Less than 50 words had the threshold eligibility requirements that clear, taking into account the interests of all parties demands have yet In case of local candidates Candidates invaded by foreign educational resources, how to solve The implementation of policies for off-site entrance "technology flow" problem, Heilongjiang Province, deputy director of the Office of Admissions Examination Board is given the exclusive dealers all responses. Keywords: in situ stress indicators in case of admission,requins tn pas cher, the Ministry of Education promised to increase the index Reporter: Some people worry that if the candidates on the spot admission would encroach upon the province's education indicators, how to balance the interests of both Dealers full: in situ admission outside the community as well as "back to the origin admitted" reference. However, the provincial papers vary score differences,specifically along the segmen, enrollment plan can not use string, "back to the origin Admission" difficult to achieve. Heilongjiang, the off-site entrance can only be selected in situ admission. For many people, "cake" of concern to the current enrollment situation does not exist, and some cities as a whole only a dozen cases, two dozen cases of off-site by the entrance, a small proportion. In addition, in order to earn a high school student status Heilongjiang must have a local junior high school, junior high school confirmation is also very strict, so as long as through the school's rigorous review, we can effectively eliminate the entrance immigration. In case of a surge in the number of college entrance, affecting the interests of the candidates to the province, the Ministry of Education promised to increase the number of plans to ensure a balance of interests. In principle, we are in the province to ensure that candidates do not affect the interests of the premise, as far as possible for the children of migrant workers open the door. Keywords: Conditional relaxation of parental occupation excluded "stable" asked the reporter: I heard that version of the program for parents of Heilongjiang condition requires less than the Ministry of Education, why deregulation Dealers full: We had intended to follow the requirements of the Ministry of Education provides that "parents have a stable legal profession," but to the central city, the work of front-line workers from second-tier cities most are not stable job, but the "legitimate" work is certainly No problem, so we retain only the "legal" limit. "Legitimate work" definition is not complicated, parents have a work contract with the work unit, tax certificate,soyoyo chaussure, and even units of introduction can be. In addition, we are "legitimate stable residence" requirement does not insist must have its own residential, rental contract can be, or else, to produce some residents Commission issued a letter of introduction to prove that this residence is also available. Professional attributes of grace for the parents, it can be said that Heilongjiang People move, it is first of its kind. Keywords: how to enjoy preferential safeguard fair still studying Reporter: The current rules offsite entrance incomplete, will appear in the implementation of the issue of discrimination Dealers full: Since we have allowed the application, it will protect the remote entrance students enjoy the same treatment, all of the policy will be issued in advance, rather than after the re-introduction of restrictions. About supporting policies, we are still among the seminar, such as care policy is the province with the original domicile candidates to enjoy, such as national policy, fresh health policy, body eugenic policies, whether the children of migrant workers enjoy these policies, such as how to master degree and so on. Admission because of the distance is still a long time, do not worry, it will be introduced before the end of supporting regulatory documents,,chaussures homme pas cher, to supplement it. "Pioneer" Fujian Vocational single stroke gleaned offsite entrance complete matching program is still brewing newspaper reporter Zhao in different places on the general direction of the college entrance examination, Fujian long "quasi-spectrum." May 28 this year, Fujian education sector officially announced: From 2014 onwards, the full three years of high school in Fujian learning experience non-permanent candidates,chaussures de marque pas cheres, will be enrolled in Fujian common entrance examination in situ, allowed to participate in undergraduate, specialist level admission, and candidates enjoy the same with Fujian admissions policy. "Off-site entrance is about the whole small, early stage of the current high-three series of initiatives to reform the education system, rather than just release the identity endorse this simple things." Fujian Education Committee Propaganda Minister Ye Yang said, "At present, Fujian places particular embodiments of the entrance examination is still brewing, the provincial introduced before the end of this policy, specific to the country might want to next year, will have a complete package program introduced." It is understood that the so-called complete package programs, primary and secondary schools across the province will also include high-quality resources available to different places around the entrance of the general policy of orderly,requins tn, rational release. At present, Quanzhou has been fully liberalized, Fuzhou, Xiamen is also part of the release of. "The ultimate solution will also certainly be a both temporary solution, integrated all aspects of the program." It should be said, Fujian college entrance examination for remote exploration of the country are considered "first." 2011, Fujian merit policy began "quietly change" - for the first time allowed the province domicile candidates can domicile in the school ground and choose one to take the exam. Of course,requins chaussures femmes, this "Cross to Jiekao" also has a corresponding condition. March 14 that year,vente de basket, Fujian High Admissions made "on the good 2011 common entrance examination candidates counties (cities, districts) Jiekao work notice",tn homme, which requires candidates to have one to two years or more Jiekao (including two years ) senior secondary school enrollment; two candidates father or mother is holding a real estate license or Jiekao to temporary residence permits; Third,basket requin femme, the candidates in the past two years, the father or mother Jiekao places have to pay taxes or social security records. And this year's college entrance examination army, there is a 342 special groups to enjoy the policy of Candidates can participate in the school entrance. "This is called Jiekao, from 2012 onwards, these candidates would also directly across the land registration application in different places, different places to take the exam, they do not come back to apply for registration of origin." When he was director of Fujian Provincial High Admissions Lin Day said. 2012, Fujian and "the first to eat crab." January 4,chaussure discount femme, Fujian education department issued "on efforts in 2012 higher vocational education for secondary vocational school graduates separate entrance examination of the notice", the first time "in the province completed three years of full-time secondary vocational education,tn requin pas chere, with the province vocational school enrollment and access to vocational qualification certificates and diplomas in vocational, legal guardians, nearly three consecutive pay social insurance in the province, domicile is not the province of the children of migrant workers "into the enrollment range. By the end of April, Fujian Merchants Commission has further relaxed entry conditions, children of migrant workers in other provinces, where the vocational school in Fujian province, more than a year and should be learning experiences, previous graduates can apply for "Vocational single stroke." . In addition to the official exploration, civil version of the off-site entrance examination being conducted. Migrant workers in Fujian Jinjiang, the most intensive, one called Chongqing Ji Wenyu Ze migrant workers, creating an NSS Jingshan from primary school. Since 2009, the school began to try Jingshan "curve mutagenic." Temperature according to the old way is to put in this school's Student Send hung outside the provincial schools in the provinces. Materials in accordance with the situation of different provinces, specifically set up Chongqing, Sichuan, emblem, Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou,centro hollister, Henan field of seven high school classes. Materials from individual teachers invited from all over naturally, but also of Arts. Graduation examination can be placed in Fujian,tn requin femme, but eventually college entrance examination, still returned to their country of origin to attend. This is clearly stipulated in Fujian Province, with the current "Where the full three years of high school in Fujian learning experience non-permanent candidates" differ. The conflict in this detail, but also precisely reflects the implementation of off-site entrance, affect the situation will inevitably lead to systemic difficulties. It is reported that the new policy Jingshan School docking, are speeding up time was 186 high school students from other provinces to re-apply for enrollment changes. At the same time, the interests of the contradictions and tangled, but also inevitable. Fujian itself is the relative lack of high-quality educational resources of the provinces, the entrance exam is self-proclaimed. "Let go off-site entrance policy, have to consider is that there may be children of migrant workers or wife of the province early high school this resource has been the impact of the problem is not loose, so now it is the most stressful early high school this one . "Fujian Provincial Education Examination Yuan, Deputy Director of Research and Publicity liu said that the current provincial education departments are speeding up the brewing rules. He suggested that the State, through the central government special funds to increase the Fujian Provincial Compulsory Education for Children of Migrant Workers of support, and appropriately increase the quality of colleges and universities in Fujian enrollment plan, in order to offset the provincial children or wife to take the exam in Fujian province The crowding of undergraduate enrollment plan targets. "Hardship" Guangdong Province entrance immigrants who have been in different places in different places Jiekao entrance step program will not let our reporter He Linping country the largest number of migrant workers in Guangdong, described as off-site entrance "ice-breaking" difficult area. Guangdong Provincial Education Department of Loewe told the media admitted that in addressing the issue of off-site entrance, Guangdong is the "most serious situation in the country, one of the provinces most prominent problem." During eighteen, Loewe said in an interview, Guangdong remote entrance program is under development, will be introduced by the end. "Further liberalization, does not meet the actual Guangdong; according to a gradient design, gradually liberalized,, it would be more scientific." He said, reading period in Guangdong is certainly an important indicator. Before Guangdong in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places over the implementation of the province "offsite Jiekao." In Guangzhou, for example, in accordance with the provisions of domicile is not yet in Guangdong Province, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou reading and meet the conditions of college entrance examination candidates can apply to the school where Jiekao by the district (county-level cities) Admissions Office for approval. The understanding, enjoyment in Guangzhou last year, about 7,000 people this policy. This province "offsite Jiekao" for several years has been running relatively smooth stability. "The only difference is that the so-called 'admission does not enjoy the treatment Guangzhou domicile candidates'." Lin, Guangzhou, contact Admissions Director of Health, said here refers specifically to the individual municipal colleges and universities, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, due to the need to ensure local biogenic proportion, so the threshold for admission and residence in Guangzhou candidates outside the city household candidates is slightly different. But reporters noted that even such a policy does not exist barriers and technical barriers in the province, "offsite Jiekao" when it comes entrance immigrants will become complicated. Beginning in 2009, in the province of Guangdong hukou "offsite Jiekao" the relevant provisions on the addition of one: Participants in high school was moved to Guangdong Province candidates, even in Guangzhou (Shenzhen) studying, but also should no longer handled by test procedures, applicants must return to domicile. Guangdong Provincial Education Examination Yuan Yang Kai Qiao said that there are some people in Guangzhou reading, but have difficulty household moved to Guangzhou, they first moved to a smaller city, but want to test in Guangzhou. As the need for off-site Jiekao candidates were strictly examined household relevant circumstances, and in the provinces of such household original, just move soon, and no candidates moved to Guangzhou, Guangzhou, the local authorities is difficult to recruit more of their household, the real to verify the situation, it is out of this policy. However, with the spread in the country's remote entrance relevant aspects of household gradual relaxation of restrictive provisions will be big trend. Loewe frankly, if the remote entrance completely liberalized, high school education will be the first affected, land, teacher and so difficult one to solve. In college admission terms, if you want to keep the current 80% of Guangdong college admission rate does not drop, then add 152,000 annually enrollment plan, enrollment plan whether this part of the province is the solution, or by regulating institutions outside the province, almost all a "mission impossible." He suggested that the national enrollment plan to adjust, undergraduate enrollment plan will be adjusted to the number of candidates according to provinces prorated. Lin made contact survivors, although the pressure of the main entrance is off-site in the province, but the ripple effect caused by off-site entrance, which may include off-site in the exam and compulsory education of students outside the household registration problems, which are placed in the ground in front of the municipal education department pressure of reality. "Scores province" high admission Shandong Foreign attractive small four scores crossed the reporter Pan Junqiang Jiekao hinder the province this year, February 29, in the "Colleges of Shandong Province of examination and enrollment system reform implementation of views", the emergence of breaking the geographical and residence restrictions words: From 2014 onwards, the school has a high school enrollment of Shandong Province and a complete learning experience for qualified graduates may enroll in the college entrance examination in situ of Shandong Province, and with local candidates enjoy the same admissions policy. As for specific programs, according to the reporter, Shandong Province Education Department is in full swing developed, finalized a timely manner to the public. Shandong Normal University, Associate Professor Wang Xianghua that many candidates Shandong, less resources, admission is high, even if the open entrance residence restrictions, foreign provinces attractive candidates is not large. And an education official said the Ministry of Education will each province each year's college entrance examination enrollment as a reference,basket montante enfant, one to approve major colleges and universities in the provinces, regions and municipalities enrollment. Entrance offsite release does not affect the overall interests of the candidates in Shandong Ji. Although started in 2014 in Fujian same remote college entrance examination, but Shandong province "offsite entrance" was always hovering in place. According to the Shandong Provincial Education Entrance Examination Institute released "on efforts to Shandong Province in 2013 college entrance registration work of the notice", next year, the college entrance examination candidates must still domicile registration. One of the reasons is the province of Shandong province in addition to undergraduate group crossed unity,basket de marque pas cher, the undergraduate second installment in the province perform four scores: in addition to provincial lines, municipal lines,basket montante, Jinan, Qingdao is also a separate crossed. In Shandong Province in 2012 college undergraduate second installment of a volunteer scores, for example, two subjects of the provincial line ARTS respectively Jinan, Qingdao higher than the full 20 minutes, nearly two years and municipal lines Jinan, Qingdao and the score line was essentially flat. A candidate's parents said Yantai, the province also perform different score line, line on the implementation of the provincial cities of the candidates is not fair. Some experts said that the introduction of candidates to allow non-nationals in Shandong Shandong college entrance examination policy, little resistance, relatively easy to implement. The movement of people in Shandong province, but should not be underestimated, the real difficulty is how to get rid of the barriers between province around the city, to find ways to solve the province and outside the province candidates fair, we should also realize the idea of ??the province around the city candidates fair. (Original title: offsite entrance ice countdown) how to set the threshold is critical (cultural blog) since the end of August this year, four ministries on "Migrant Workers' Children participate in the entrance examination after the local" policy was introduced, people all over the specific programs on remote entrance waiting. Recently, Heilongjiang Province, the first published in 2013 offsite college entrance requirements, becoming the first clear off-site entrance specific conditions of the provinces. Shandong, Fujian, Zhejiang and other provinces and cities have also been more than 10 stand, children or wife offsite entrance specific programs no later than before the end of this year. For a time, "off-site entrance" has become hot words. Most concern is the off-site entrance threshold. If too many restrictions, the threshold is too high, is bound to make a lot of people off-site entrance unattainable. It is widely believed, Heilongjiang Province, more humane offsite entrance requirements, the threshold is not high. However, whether the provisions in other provinces would such a "approachable" In this regard it is not optimistic. Person in charge of the Ministry of Education has made it clear that the only entrance to the students off-site conditions, conditions requested by the parents, but also consider the positioning of urban functions, industrial structure and layout, urban resource carrying capacity. A few days ago for the "How do you see the entrance offsite access conditions" in the online survey showed that three percent of respondents believed that "conditions are too harsh, want to lower the threshold." However, the threshold is too low, there will be problems. Many people worry: entrance for children, parents will not have a large number of cities to seek employment employment The large number of children of migrant workers, the city's housing, schools and other resources are insufficient how to do How can remote entrance into the ground without dilution educational resources, without prejudice to the interests of students into the ground Especially in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and other places off-site entrance, more difficult, greater impact, we must take a cautious attitude, scientific decision-making, neither dread not before, it can not be hurried. Threshold is set high, hole open much, indeed tackled the problem. Despite the difficulty, there are risks, controversial, but we must unswervingly push forward off-site entrance. Promote equity in education is a necessary requirement for the development of the times, while off-site entrance, it is an important lever leveraging educational equity. Eighteen major report suggested that "children of migrant workers to actively promote equal access to education, so that every child can become useful talents." Currently, the national compulsory education students in school children of Migrant Workers has more than 12 million people, ensure that they enjoy the same enrollment and urban students opportunities to promote educational equity issue is the proper meaning. Of course, remote entrance of a college entrance examination reform only content. Promote equity in education,site de tn, we must carry out comprehensive reform of college entrance examination. For example, efforts to increase self-enrollment, eclectic selection of personnel; strengthen the overall quality of school proficiency test and evaluation, changing a test set for life; explore some subjects exam several times a year to explore the implementation of social examination; implementation of the College Entrance Examination Classification , undergraduate entrance examination organized by the National Unity, vocational education entrance examination organized by the provinces; improve college enrollment and admissions quota allocation methods, and establish conducive diverse talents admission selection mechanism, and so on. To this end,vente chaussure pas cher, in anticipation of the provinces remote entrance program at the same time, people are more looking forward to the new entrance examination reform program early introduction, in order to promote educational equity oar sail strike. Bloggers: Yuan Xinwen (the reporter)
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