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registered: 23.10.2013
28.10.2013, 10:39 email offline quote 

Police release drawing of suspect in seawall attacks,parajumpers spring 2013
Vancouver mother and father released a composite pulling of the suspect by 50 % recent assaults upon women who were jogging near Sunset Beach in downtown Edmonton. PT Saturday, every time a 42yearold woman was got while walking the woman's dogs under the Granville Avenue Bridge. Monday around the seawall near the Aquatic Centre under the Burrard Street Link. A 29yearold woman had been grabbed and ripped down the hill on the beach. She screamed,parajumpers pels, sketching the attention of passersby, and the suspect ran away.
The suspect in attacks is referred to as a Caucasian person in his late 20s or early 1930s,parajumpers, about six feet tall with a stocky, muscle build.
He has honest skin and small, dark hair donned in a brush minimize. He was clean up shaven,tequila parajumpers, and was previous seen wearing the black buttondown shirt with short sleeves along with a collar, dark jeans and running shoes.
You are not information is asked to speak to the Vancouver Law enforcement officials Department. roads, in accordance with the ICBC.
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