MessageboardAllgemeinesSchaefer said of the incidents

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registered: 25.10.2013
28.10.2013, 15:19 email offline quote 

He dodged the question of whether the releases were legal, which is the crux of the issue."There is nothing magical about the name Real ID," Schaefer said after this morning's hearing. "It is the things that go along with it, the giving up of personal data, the subjecting yourself to identity theft without any due process of law before lululemon headband that information is given up."Continuing, Schaefer said of the incidents, "What we now know is we were lied to about the process, how it is implemented, how it is funded, and we were lied to about the fact that the Department of Motor Vehicles or the state of Missouri did or did not give out a list of concealed carry holders to the federal government.".
But due to evolution's incredibly slow movement in the minds, hearts and souls of some of our fellow human beings who consider it acceptable to decimate natural systems, resources, animals, fish and humans to save a few dollars here and there on their bottom line, our collective survival is in actual jeopardy. Nature & Earth are simply seen as "a free ride for profit" for the few at the expense of everyone else.Oh life on Earth will continue, she is way too fecund, fertile and clever to be subdued by her said-to-be most intelligent creation, but will it continue with that creation, Homo sapiens? Due to an interview I conducted recently with President of The State of The World Forum and of Wisdom University, Jim Garrison, there are some real question marks around this usually off-limits assumption.As a species, we have toyed with the eco-system to the extent of jeopardizing our own food supply and with our economics to the extent that we have jeopardized our survival due to the insane disparity between the haves and the have-nots.Our food supply has gone from Nature-Given to man-made with severe consequences to health: think GMO's, Bovine Growth Hormone, soil depletion, water and air pollution, to name but a few.
It's not that flu alone can't kill - it can - but in most cases children with flu alone survived."MRSA risk continues to spreadSixty percent of the youngsters investigated for the new study already had sometimes serious health problems before contracting the flu. But of the 251 Lululemon factory outlet children (30 percent) previously healthy children included in the research, the only risk factor that was identified which likely contributed to their increased risk of Lululemon sale dying was a diagnosis of a MRSA infection in the lung.
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